VegPot Africa is a social enterprise seeking to alleviate hidden hunger while empowering communities’ socio-economically. Focus is on production and consumption of organic African Leafy Vegetables (ALVs). We endeavour to guarantee constant supply and quality.
Currently, VegPot Africa works with over 200 registered groups of small holder farmers in in Western Kenya – the number is expected to grow to 1,000 by end of 2024. We also partner with experts and other entities for capacity strengthening, technical assistance and support in market access.
We advocate for production and consumption of African Leafy Vegetables (ALVs) for health (nutrition) and economic benefits
To empower communities through sustainable farming systems.
Healthy, empowered communities
We strive for highest level of integrity in our work
We believe in the adage – that alone you may go faster but together you go further.
Respect in engaging with others enables achieve the diversity but also achieve more.
We endeavor to meet needs of the communities we serve