Our activities include Go-organic Drive that aims encouraging consumption of organically produced foodstuff; and Afroveggie that seeks to re-awaken interest in growing and consumption of African Indigenous vegetables.
VegPot Africa is a Social enterprise seeking to alleviate hidden hunger while empowering communities socio-economically.
We focus on production and consumption of organic African Leafy Vegetables (ALVs). We endeavor to gurantee constant supply and quality. If you order from Vegpot, you should be able to trace the source eletcronically.
We participate in activities that aim at educating the people on the importance and value of our natural resources and how they can contribute protecting them.
We participate in activities that aim at educating the people on the importance and value of our natural resources and how they can contribute...
We participate in activities that aim at educating the people on the importance and value of our natural resources and how they can contribute protecting them. We have taken part in activities with other partners that include tree planting, cleaning of the streets and sensitizing the community on various environmental aspects including global warming.
We have also lined a series of events and activities include Go-organic Drive that aims at aimed at encouraging consumption of organically produced foodstuff; and Afroveggie that seeks to re-awaken interest in growing and consumption of African Indigenous vegetables.
We participate in activities that aim at educating the people on the importance and value of our natural resources and how they can contribute...
We strongly believe that alone you may go faster but together you go further. We welcome strategic partnership with likeminded entities for mutual benefit especially learning and sharing.
We are glad to bring together over 300 registered groups mainly comprising women and youth in Kenya. We also partner with Egerton University through Dr. Steve Indieka and Africa Community of Planetary Partners for Health and Environment (ACCOPHE)
We welcome support and partnership on research in an area that align with our mandate.We are specifically passionate about African
We welcome support and partnership on research in an area that align with our mandate. We are specifically passionate about African Indigenous Vegetables and potential to eradicate hidden hunger amongst our people.
We are committed to ensuring the farmers embrace technology not enhance quality of their produce but also to access markets.We are keen on exploring
We are committed to ensuring the farmers embrace technology not enhance quality of their produce but also to access markets. We are keen on exploring partnerships with entities that provide innovative insights into aspects that entail soil and crop management, pest management; harvesting, e-marketing and so on.